BOSTON, Nov. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Founded in 1898, Northeastern University engages in research in a variety of fields and is known for its experiential approach to learning. For this reason, the Fresh Up your Life campaign promoted by CSO Italy and funded by the European Union, chose it as a partner in an experience-based activity involving not less than 5000 students.
The event involved many young people for a day dedicated to informing and raising awareness about the benefits of eating fresh fruit and vegetables and the high quality and production standards that characterize those produced in Europe. Students were invited to taste the products of the campaign with dedicated samples and information corners.
Fresh Up Your Life! is in fact an ambitious initiative that aims precisely at increasing the consumption of fresh fruit and vegetables, especially of European origin, in countries such as the United States and the United Arab Emirates. The idea behind this campaign is simple but effective: to make consumers in these countries discover the richness and variety of European fruit and vegetables, which are often undervalued. It is an opportunity to make people aware of the unique characteristics of products such as tomatoes, whether fresh or processed, oranges and pears.
Talking about food is now like talking about the future, it is an extremely important subject that everyone must take care of both to improve their health, which starts with the choice of food they eat, and to improve the environment. Preferring quality fruit and vegetables is the first choice for a healthy, balanced diet,
‘‘University is a time of great changes and new responsibilities, and it is at this stage of life that we lay the foundations for our future health. Talking about a diet rich in fruit and vegetables right from the university benches means investing in one's long-term well-being,’’ said Elisa Macchi, Director of CSO Italy.
Fruit and vegetables, in fact, are rich in vitamins, minerals, fibre and antioxidants, substances that are essential for the proper functioning of the body and for preventing many diseases. A balanced diet that includes generous portions of these foods helps maintain a healthy weight, strengthen the immune system, improve concentration and reduce stress.
‘‘But it is not enough to eat fruit and vegetables,’’ continues Elisa Macchi, ‘‘it is essential to choose quality products, grown and produced according to high safety standards such as those promoted by our campaign. Investing in a healthy diet from a young age means building a healthier and happier future.’’
News about Fresh Up Your Life and CSO Italy
The project Fresh Up Your Life aims to promote and inform about high-quality fruit and vegetables and is financed by CSO Italy and the European Union. The following Italian companies also participate in the project: Apofruit Italia, Cico-Mazzoni, Conserve Italia, Lagnasco Group, Oranfrizer, Origine and Unacoa.
CSO Italy, founded in 1998, is a unique entity in Italy that associates many of Italy's leading companies in the production and marketing of domestic fruit and vegetables. Completing the range of members are important companies specializing in different areas of the fruit and vegetable supply chain, from packaging, logistics, processing, machinery, and distribution. CSO Italy's mission is to provide useful services to members to improve and make the Italian fruit and vegetable industry more efficient and competitive. A technical table at the service of the entire Italian fruit and vegetable supply chain to increase its competitiveness through synergy among operators. CSO Italy, has 73 members, distributed as follows: 51 producer members, 14 supply chain members, 3 subsidizing members and 5 supporting bodies.
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Funded by the European Union. However, the views expressed are those of the author(s) alone and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union or the European Research Executive Agency (REA). Neither the European Union nor the awarding administration can be held responsible for them.
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